Life: Spring Edition!

It's been awhile, friends. I feel like I hardly know any of you guys anymore. Maye it's because I have been prowling around Instagram more these days or because I'm getting older, but alas, I felt I needed to update you guys anyway. I will try my hardest to update this blog more and more, but I cannot guarantee this outcome. Here is a collection of images I have taken that pretty much encompass the beauty of spring in my area of the US:

A dear squirrel tried to make off with some bird seed. I caught him red handed!
A lovely thistle plant. Butterflys love these.

Its name sounds horrid, but its beauty is evident.

A quick butterfly shot.

Three butterflys decided it was lunch time. They went to their favorite restaurant, The Thistle.

A lovely shot here of two butterflys on a thistle.

White really is a beautiful color for flowers.

A beautiful, simple dandelion.

Leaves shine in the glowing spring sun!


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